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Reiki Self Treatment with Rosalind

Writer's picture: Rosalind RMTRosalind RMT

The whole universe is within you: Reiki self treatment How to provide yourself with healing therapy. By RosalindRMT

At this time of physical isolation it is not possible to go out for therapy sessions. There are, however, a few techniques that can be used at home to help stop the gap and provide a moment of relief during these challenging times. Reiki is a simple therapy that is easy to do yourself while you are at home. The word Reiki means “universal energy”. This healing technique is both relaxing and energizing. It can help decrease pain and improve sleep, as well as nurturing a general sense of well-being. You don’t need to buy any tools, materials or equipment, all you need is a calm place and a few moments to yourself. You can focus energy, from both within and around you, by placing your hands on, or above, certain areas of the body. That comforting, stillness, combined with the pressure of your hands will enable you to become aware of muscle tension, which can then be relaxed. If you choose to hover your hands just above these areas you will find that that is also effective. You may find that you are able to feel the energy coming from your hands. In fact, it is interesting to try both, to see which works best for you. During the session you can activate your third eye (or mind’s) eye. If you find that your mind wanders and allows distracting thoughts to creep in, having a positive image can help override those thoughts. Although it is natural for the mind to keep processing, these thoughts can counteract the feelings of relaxation. With a smile to your lovely mind, let those thoughts float away, so that you can tap into the pure strength that is waiting for you. A beautiful mental image, such as a waterfall, can be an anchor for your mind. You might find that your Third Eye begins to see other images during your session. If they are positive and contribute to your well-being then you can benefit from what comes to you. I will describe a series of hand positions (below) for a self-treatment Reiki session. These are meant as a guide, providing a structure for you to practice. As you work, you may find your intuition begins to take over. You may want to adjust the positioning to what feels the most comfortable. You may feel that some of the hand positions are not necessary, whereas you have an area of pain that is not included, so that can be added to your treatment instead. Adjust the timing of the hand positions to suit your own needs. This is a safe, non-invasive therapy. It combines aspects of meditation and self-care to aid healing. If anything causes discomfort, then it is important that you listen to your body and adjust the therapy. This is a good complimentary treatment to enhance the effectiveness of other therapies, but it should not take the place of prescribed medicine and recommendations from your doctor. To begin your Reiki session:

· Make sure you are wearing warm and comfortable clothing.

· Find a place where you will not be disturbed for a few moments

· Either seated or lying down - with cushions &/or blankets for comfort

· An option is gentle, relaxing background music, not too distracting

· Think of a positive image to hold in your mind’s eye

· Rub your hands together to create warmth

Hand positions: Ideally the hands are held in position for around two minutes at a time. This is easier for a practitioner to do, as they can think about the timing and sense which areas need more time and focus than others. A solution for an effective self-treatment is to start off with reducing the time to around 30 seconds to a minute (a few slow, deep breaths). If you want to extend the time, but you don’t want to keep looking at a clock, there are some soundtracks on YouTube which have a bell, to signal a good point to alter the hand positions. See the video for visual demonstrations on the hand positions below.

Hand position 1: Place your hands over your face with your palms over your eyes. This will help soothe you and transition your mental state from alertness to relaxation, as you begin to look inwards.

Hand position 2: Place your hands at the crown of your head with your fingertips touching. This helps with calming the mind, as well as easing headache (depending upon where in your head the pain could be, any of the head positions, 1-7, can bring some relief). Hand position 3: Place your hands at the sides of your head over your ears and the joint of your jaw For earache, jaw tension, and pressure at the temples. Hand position 4: Cup the back of your head either with your hands facing horizontally stacked on top of each other or fingertips touching. To relieve tension for the occipital muscles, and for headache at the back of the head. Hand position 5: Place one hand over your forehead and keep the other hand at the base of your skull This is a good finishing position for a head treatment. If more focused pressure is needed over the muscles between the eyebrows you could use your fingertip. Hand position 6: Place your hands over your throat in a position that you feel your arms are comfortable maybe crossed over to the opposite side This shifts your focus to your area of communication, neck muscles, clearing and relaxing any tension there. Hand position 7: Place your hands over the muscles at the top of your shoulders and the bottom of your neck. Relieving stress and tension in the neck and shoulders Hand position 8: Place your hands over your heart This brings focus to any tension and discomfort in the chest Hand position 9: Place your hands over your solar plexus (upper abdomen), fingers touching This position, and the following, are useful if your stomach is feeling upset. Hand position 10: Move your hands down a little so that your fingers are meeting just above your navel Hand position 11: Place the heels of your palms on each of your hips and point your fingers down into the middle so that your fingertips touch This position can help relieve menstrual cramping pains. Also, a lot of tension can be held in the hips. Hand position 12: Place the palms of your hands on each side of your back with your fingers pointing towards your spine. This can address lower back tension. It is harder to do if you are lying down and works better in the seated position. It is difficult to treat your own back comfortably. You might find that your instinct will guide you, but if you need more ideas of positions to help the back, legs and arms, you are welcome to contact me. The experience of a Reiki self-treatment, compared to having a practitioner do it for you, is similar to self-massage verses visiting an RMT. It does feel so much better when somebody else is doing the technique for you. The effects are many times stronger, and you can completely relax into a deeper state without even having to think about the structure of the treatment. However, self-massage and self-Reiki are both effective as treatments - and much better than nothing! You can try this technique before you go to sleep, or if you are awake at night. The peacefulness can help encourage deeper sleep. Spending a few moments of self-care will leave you feeling both tranquil and in touch with your inner strength. We all carry this energy inside us but, when it feels depleted, this extra focus can help restore it. Feel soothed by the relaxation of Reiki.

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